Abraham Lincoln statue on Carthage College's campus.

Ellen Hauser

  • Director, Women’s and Gender Studies Program; Associate Professor of Political Science and Women’s and Gender Studies
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    Lentz Hall 312

    Professor Ellen Hauser teaches courses in political science and women’s and gender studies. Those courses focus on global poverty, women and politics, African transitions, women of Africa, and women’s and gender studies theory. Her published work includes “Uganda Relations with Western Donors in the 1990s: What Impact on Democratization?” in Cambridge University Press’s The Journal of Modern African Studies, and “Single Motherhood: Mythical Madness and Invisible ‘Insanity’,” in Motherhood and Single-Lone Parenting: A Twenty-First Century Perspective.

    Prof. Hauser’s international experience includes teaching at Nanjing University in Nanjing, China, for 18 months; conducting dissertation research with high-level government officials in Uganda; and participating on the official U.S. Election Observer Team monitoring the 1996 elections in Uganda.

    As a Diplomacy Fellow through the American Association for the Advancement of Science, she worked at the Center for Democracy and Governance at the United States Agency for International Development in Washington, D.C. Her duties there included work in Rwanda interviewing government officials and genocide survivors to propose a program for President Clinton to announce during his 1998 visit to Rwanda.

    Prof. Hauser organized and presided over meetings on the Great Lakes (Africa) Initiative for President Clinton’s advisors. She also assisted the president’s special advisor on U.S. assistance in international rule of law programs to organize efforts to allow the U.S. government to support democracy programs in China.

    She earned her B.M. from Augustana College, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She joined Carthage in 1999.